Harri Jordan

A Journey of Purpose

A Journey of Purpose: Fighting Plastic Pollution with Ocean Integrity

As I sit down to reflect on my ongoing journey with Ocean Integrity, I can’t help but feel a surge of gratitude and determination coursing through me. My name is Harri Jordan, and my story is one of transformation sparked by a plastic bag caught on a tiny hook while sailing across the Atlantic Ocean.

Harri Jordan

A couple of years ago, I embarked on a life changing and eye opening decision—to leave behind my job working on a sailboat and dive headfirst into the mission of Ocean Integrity. This decision was born from a profound moment of realisation when I spent 40 minutes reeling in what I thought was a huge tuna and turned out to be a plastic bag on a tiny fishing hook in the middle of the Atlantic Ocean.

Moment of dumbfoundedness on realising my ‘big catch’

Upon meeting Kieran, I was immediately struck by his unwavering dedication and the urgency of the cause. Together, we embarked on a journey that would open my eyes to the true extent of the crisis. Driving around Jakarta, we witnessed rivers choked with plastic waste, transforming once vibrant waterways into lifeless cesspools.

For months, I worked alongside Kieran, collaborating on his innovative approach to tackling plastic pollution. At the heart of Ocean Integrity’s mission lies a simple yet powerful idea—empowering indigenous fishermen to collect plastic and reintegrate it into the supply chain through recycling.


Engaging with the local communities, I learned firsthand the devastating repercussions of plastic pollution on livelihoods and ecosystems. Many fishermen, once reliant on bountiful seas for sustenance, now face a stark reality of depleted fisheries and contaminated waters.

Driven by a shared sense of urgency, Kieran dedicated eight years to developing the groundbreaking MPED “microplastic elimination device.” This revolutionary net has the capacity to capture staggering amounts of waste, offering a glimmer of hope amidst the sea of despair.

The MPED in action 

Through the deployment of these nets and collaboration with local fishing communities, Ocean Integrity has achieved remarkable results, collecting thousands of tons of plastic from our waterways. What sets Ocean Integrity apart is its commitment to sustainable solutions—ensuring that every piece of collected plastic finds a purpose, steering clear of landfills and incinerators.

Admittedly, the journey hasn’t been without its challenges. Disposing of non-recyclable plastic posed a significant hurdle, but through innovation and perseverance, we’ve discovered viable alternatives, from utilising plastic in road construction to transforming it into fuel, so nothing ends up in a landfill and nothing gets openly burned. 

Moreover, Ocean Integrity offers corporations the opportunity to become plastic neutral through sponsorship of clean-up initiatives, fostering a collective responsibility towards environmental stewardship.

Trash in Truck

As I look ahead, I’m filled with renewed purpose and determination. My journey with Ocean Integrity has been a testament to the power of collective action and the profound impact that individuals can have when united by a common cause.

Together, we can rewrite the narrative of our oceans, restoring integrity to the very lifeblood of our planet. With Ocean Integrity leading the charge, I am confident that a brighter, cleaner future lies on the horizon—one where our oceans thrive, and our planet flourishes once more.

By, Harri Jordan

Surface Microlayer Ocean Integrity

Our Ocean’s Hidden Hero: The Surface Microlayer

The importance of the Surface Microlayer: When it comes to tackling climate change, on the whole, we’ve been particularly focused on cutting carbon dioxide emissions. However, there’s an often-ignored aspect of our planet that plays a crucial role in climate control—the ocean. That’s why Ocean Integrity is devoted to cleaning it up.

In our blog post, we explore an eye-opening report that sheds light on the surface microlayer (SML) of the ocean and its profound impact on climate change. This newly discovered layer not only affects our climate but also holds the key to fighting pollution and protecting marine life.

The Unsung Hero of the Ocean: The SML Layer

Covering a whopping 71% of the Earth’s surface, the ocean plays a vital role in regulating climate. The SML layer, which is between 1 to 1000 micrometres deep, is made up of lipids and surfactants* produced by marine phytoplankton. This layer serves several crucial functions—it helps form clouds, prevents water from evaporating too quickly, and slows down the transfer of heat to the atmosphere.

The Surface Microlayers Role in Climate Control

One of the most fascinating discoveries is that the increasing concentration of water vapor in our atmosphere is solely due to evaporation from the ocean surface. This means that the oceans bear the primary responsibility for climate change. The SML layer regulates atmospheric water vapor pressure, temperature, cloud formation, and rainfall. Any changes in this layer can have significant effects on our climate system.

Pollutants in the SML Layer

Unfortunately, the SML layer acts like a magnet for various harmful substances. Toxic forever chemicals, microplastics, and hydrophobic black carbon soot from burning fossil fuels build up in this layer. Shockingly, the concentration of toxic chemicals in the SML layer is around 500 times higher than in the underlying water. These pollutants, combined with tiny particles like submicron and microplastics, pose a serious threat to plankton—the primary producers in marine ecosystems.

Implications for Marine Life and Ecosystems

Pollution and ocean acidification have led to a decline in marine biodiversity, causing significant damage to our oceans. Reduced growth of phytoplankton weakens the SML membrane, decreases carbon absorption, and increases the concentration of dissolved carbon dioxide in surface waters. This worsens ocean acidification and disrupts the delicate balance of marine ecosystems. If the pH reaches 7.95 by 2045, it could trigger a regime shift, dangerously affecting key species and potentially causing a collapse in the entire marine ecosystem.

Consequences for Climate and Humanity

As the SML layer shrinks, evaporation rates and atmospheric water vapor concentrations rise. This altered condition impacts the formation of cloud cover, rainfall patterns, humidity, and temperature. The result could be disastrous climate change, characterized by heavy rainfall, flooding, and other extreme weather events.

Meanwhile, the collapse of the marine ecosystem and ocean acidification may result in the loss of countless species, affecting the food supply for billions of people.

While reducing carbon emissions remains crucial in the fight against climate change, we must also recognize the role of the ocean and the surface microlayer in climate regulation. Understanding the importance of the SML layer allows us to develop comprehensive solutions that tackle pollution, safeguard marine biodiversity, and mitigate climate disruptions. By taking action to reduce plastic pollution in our ocean we can help to conserve marine ecosystems. There’s hope for a future that protects our planet and everyone who calls it home.

*Surfactants are organic compounds produced by marine plankton and bacteria that form an oily film on the surface of the water.

Read about our other effects of microplastics in the ocean

Find out ways to work with us here on removing plastic from the ocean

Ocean pollution is linked to a loss in biodiversity and inability for the ocean to help mitigate climate change

Effects of Microplastics and Nano Plastics in our ocean

A comprehensive approach to balancing human well-being with nature’s services must take into account the impact of microplastics and nanoplastics (MPs/NPs). MPs/NPs can reduce the ability of soils to sequester carbon, leading to global climate change. They can also cause nutrient imbalances in terrestrial ecosystems and lead to reduced soil productivity, impacting food production. In aquatic environments, MPs/NPs have been linked to increased eutrophication, altered photosynthesis rates in phytoplankton populations, reduced zooplankton growth, changes in the marine carbon pump, and impacts on oceanic carbon pools. It is therefore essential that research into MPs/NPs not only considers their effects on ecology but also investigates how they are affecting human societies economically and socially so appropriate measures can be taken to mitigate these risks for a more sustainable future.

MPs and NPs have been shown to significantly alter the soil environment, including changes in temperature fluxes that can lead to soil erosion and desertification. These alterations can then affect micro- and macro-fauna populations by changing their feeding habits (for arthropods) or even determining the sex of hatchlings (in reptiles). This highlights the need for further research into how MPs and NPs influence nutrient concentrations, microbial diversity, surface biogeochemical cycles, physicochemical parameters, population structure and survival rates of fauna in terrestrial ecosystems.

The influx of microplastics and nanoplastics into aquatic environments has been linked to a range of detrimental effects, including changes in ocean temperature and acidification, altered distribution patterns due to ocean circulation shifts, vectoring of toxic chemicals and microbes leading to ecological damage and biodiversity loss, as well as economic impacts estimated at up to US$2.5 trillion globally. Additionally, there is potential for future pandemics or epidemics from such plastics acting as vectors for infectious diseases. Bottom-feeders are especially vulnerable due to their high intake of plastic particles which can lead to blockages in their feeding systems resulting in death. Therefore it is essential that action is taken now both by individuals reducing the usage of single use plastics and governments legislating against further pollution so as not protect our aquatic ecosystems. The health implications of microplastics and nanoplastics in our marine ecosystems are concerning, posing a direct risk to the lives of aquatic organisms, as well as potential risks to humans through their consumption. Researchers have linked microplastic ingestion with infertility and reduced egg-laying capacity in fish genera due to biomagnification up the food chain. Additionally, MPs entering human bodies can cause blockages leading to death and potentially even pandemics or epidemics from such plastics acting as vectors for infectious diseases. Therefore it is essential that individuals reduce their usage of single use plastics and governments legislate against further pollution so that we can protect both our aquatic ecosystems and human wellbeing.

Microplastics and Nanoplastics (MPs and NPs) pose a serious threat to the world’s ecosystems, not only through their ability to biomagnify up food chains but also by causing direct harm to organisms. In plants, MPs and NPs are able to mimic pollen grains which can obstruct pollination leading to local extinction of species with limited viable seed banks, especially in tropical regions where diversity is highest.

Additionally, humans inhaling these pollutants have been linked with various illnesses such as lung congestion, cancer and ulcers; putting further strain on already overwhelmed medical systems in many third-world nations. This reduction in health standards will greatly hinder progress towards achieving SDG targets and lower the Human Development Index.

polluted water with plastic trash

Unveiling the Undercurrents: Understanding the Sources of Ocean Plastic Pollution


The plight of ocean plastic pollution has reached alarming proportions, posing a significant threat to marine ecosystems worldwide. But how did so much plastic find its way into the ocean? In this blog post, we delve into the main sources of ocean plastic pollution, shedding light on the startling facts behind this global crisis and exploring potential solutions to mitigate its impact.

1. Land-Based Sources:

Contrary to popular belief, the primary contributors to ocean plastic pollution are not solely marine-based activities. Instead, the majority of plastic waste originates from land-based sources, including littering and inadequate waste management practices. Plastics discarded on streets, beaches, and in rivers eventually make their way into the ocean, where they persist for hundreds of years, wreaking havoc on marine ecosystems.

2. Persistence of Plastics:

One of the most alarming aspects of ocean plastic pollution is the longevity of plastics in marine environments. Unlike organic materials that decompose relatively quickly, plastics take hundreds of years to break down. As a result, they accumulate in the oceans as microplastics or macro debris, posing a grave threat to marine life and habitats.

3. Global Distribution:

Ocean plastic pollution knows no boundaries, affecting all corners of our planet’s oceans. Even the most remote and pristine locations are not immune to the scourge of plastic waste. Research has revealed that plastic has been found in every ocean, from the Arctic to the Antarctic, highlighting the pervasive nature of this environmental crisis.

4. Geographic Hotspots:

While ocean plastic pollution is a global issue, certain regions bear a disproportionate responsibility for its proliferation. Approximately 80% of ocean plastic originates from just 20 countries worldwide, with coastal nations and those lacking robust waste management infrastructure being particularly susceptible to plastic leakage into the marine environment.

5. Role of Rivers:

Perhaps one of the most significant revelations in the fight against ocean plastic pollution is the role of rivers as conduits for plastic waste. Up to 95% of all plastic pollution in the world’s oceans is sourced from rivers, underscoring the critical need for targeted interventions to address this upstream flow of plastic debris.

6. Solutions and Mitigation Strategies:

While the scale of ocean plastic pollution may seem daunting, there are tangible steps that individuals, communities, and governments can take to address this pressing issue. Key solutions include reducing the consumption of single-use plastics, implementing comprehensive recycling programs, and investing in improved waste management infrastructure globally.


The sources of ocean plastic pollution are multifaceted and complex, encompassing a range of land-based activities, inadequate waste management practices, and the pervasive influence of rivers as conduits for plastic waste. As awareness of this global crisis continues to grow, it is imperative that we take decisive action to curb the influx of plastic into our oceans and protect marine ecosystems for future generations. By implementing sustainable practices, advocating for policy changes, and supporting innovative solutions, we can collectively work towards a cleaner, healthier, and more resilient marine environment. The time to act is now – before it’s too late.